Sentiment Analysis for Games | Opinion Mining | Gameopedia

The Foremost Authority to Measure Gaming Sentiments

Track sentiment for games and brands with nuanced opinion mining. We combine the latest in AI, NLP, and human expertise
to  accurately measure consumer and critic sentiment across user reviews, social media, discussion boards,
web stores, and more.

Improve Customer Experience by Analyzing

Monitor sentiments for individual aspects of the game like gameplay, story, graphics, etc. Our framework takes into account critic, consumer, and influencer reviews to provide a holistic view of the industry opinion. 

Track and analyze real-time gamer sentiments from the date of announcement to the present day by recognizing community perception and anticipating consumer actions.

Sentiment Analysis for Games

From Game Reveal to Date

Sentiment Analysis for Games Across Game's Lifecycle
Sentiment Across The
Game's Lifecycle

Track a game’s lasting influence from the first day to the last

Build Better Games
Build Better

Receive feedback from the gamer on where to improve on game features and systems

Benchmark Against Competition
Benchmark Against Competition

Gauge the community’s attitude toward competitors and their offerings

Track Brand Performance
Track Brand Performance

Boost brand loyalty & address attrition by anticipating consumer behavior

In-Depth Sentiment Analysis
In-Depth Feature Sentiments

Deep dive into the opinions of a specific aspect and feature of a game

Where Our
Sentiment Analysis
Can Be Used

Online Stores & DDPs

To increase conversions by predicting demand & measuring audiences


To bolster ad targeting by
gauging community perceptions

Game Developers & Publishers

To analyze the competition, market sentiment and your own audiences

Customized Data

To make smarter business decisions by analyzing community trends

Want to monitor and track critic and gamer sentiments more accurately or have a custom requirement? Talk to our game data experts or email us at