Sammen - Gameopedia

Sammen: A Bot that Unites Gamers

Sammen is our first consumer product. We are reaching out to gamers worldwide and leveling up their gaming experience with a multiplayer bot that seamlessly connects friends to create unforgettable multiplayer experiences. 

Reinventing & Reviving Multiplayer

Sammen is a bot that eliminates the hassle of setting up multiplayer sessions. 

Play more with friends, play more games with friends, spend more time gaming.

What You can do with Sammen

🎮  Sit back and relax. Sammen spares you the pain of initiating sessions and multiplayer invites

✉️  Pick and choose whom you play with by sending anonymous invites through Sammen 

🕹️ Get into multiplayer fast: Sammen sends out invites and keeps looking for a session you can join

Game On with Sammen

Visit the Sammen Website to learn more!