Website Layouts - Gameopedia

Our Data at a Glance

Comprehensive Data across PC, Console, and Mobile
Millions Of Facts
& Insights
Upto 13,000 Possible Attributes Per Game
Localized Content Across 4 Continents
North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia
Customized Game
Data Solutions
Data Tailored To Your Specific Needs
Seamless Integration With Data Platforms
Flexible APIs That Scale With Your Business

What We Offer

In an industry worth $160 billion and growing, there is a strong need for detailed and reliable video game
metadata at every level of the ecosystem. From game development to sales and advertising, the need  to stay relevant and competitive is paramount.

This is where we come in.

Our comprehensive game data, flexible delivery models, expertise, and passion
allow us to provide solutions that help your business succeed.

Business Shaped Solutions

e-Retailers & App Stores

Advertisers & Ad Networks 001-coding-1Created with Sketch.

Game Developers & Publishers

ACR Platforms & Smart Devices

Customized Game Data Solutions Group 4Created with Sketch.

e-Retail & App Stores

e-Retail & App Stores

Supercharge your store’s product listings, SEO and discovery with a wide selection of high-quality product details. From official descriptions, facts and descriptive tags to HD screenshots and trailers, our video game metadata is trusted by some of the biggest retailers in the world.


Leverage our comprehensive game metadata to show the right ad to the right user at the right time. We enable true contextual advertising, significantly increasing click-through and engagement rates.


Game Developers & Publishers

Empower your development teams with our proprietary game breakdowns and facts that will help them understand their competition and make the right decisions. With 13,000 possible attributes per product, you will
have all the insights you need to make and sell your next big hit.


ACR Platforms

Our comprehensive database contains thousands of gameplay videos and trailers that allow you to effectively identify, track, monitor, and measure their content performance across multiple channels  like Smart TVs, mobiles, and tablets.

Everyone Else

Unsure of how we can help you? With custom data packages and flexible delivery methods, our customer centric approach makes us perfectly suited to help your business grow.
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Who We Are

The Global Curator of Video Game Metadata and Insights for PC, Console and Mobile Games

We are an international bunch of 150+ video game junkies who are passionate about revolutionizing how games are discovered and perceived. From detailed game breakdowns, facts and insights to high definition media, our ever-growing video game database spans over 100,000+ games across 250 platforms.

Learn more about Gameopedia and our service offerings.

Why Gameopedia?

Because Big Games Need Big Data

Extensive Reach

Consisting of games from every corner of the world, our repository is one of the most comprehensive, curated collections of video game metadata, facts, and information.

Cost and Time Efficient

Outsourcing your data collection and management to us frees you to focus on your core competencies and lines of business.

Seamless Uniformity

Our video game database has been curated in a standardized format to ensure consistency, accuracy, and continuity of data across each listing.

On-Demand Data Delivery

Our team is primed and poised to quickly meet real-time client requests for specific data with aggressive turn-around-time.

Quality Care

Gameopedia’s team of experts has over 200 years of collective core gaming experience. Our passion for gaming drives our commitment to a superior product and an elevated user experience for our clients.


From digital data integrations to product support, our globally responsive team delivers personalized packaging, platform, and tools to meet any data requirement on time.

Game Data for Analytics

Need in-depth tangible data on a large number of games to improve your product?

Game Data for Monetization

Need to optimize your ad spend and audience targeting, or enhance your product discovery experience?

Extensive Coverage

Localized content across 4 continents with relevant up to date insights.

Comprehensive Database of Video Game Metadata
Comprehensive Database

Game Data from over 180,000 games across PC, Console, and Mobile.

SEO Optimized Video Game Metadata
Search Engine Optimized

In-depth game facts and information optimized for SEO and discoverability.

Uniformity Across Channels
Uniformity Across Channels

Standardized data to ensure consistency, accuracy, and continuity of data.

Seamless Integration

Custom APIs that are tailored to scale with your business.

Use Cases

Online Stores & DDPs

To increase conversions by predicting demand & measuring audiences


To bolster ad targeting by
gauging community perceptions

Game Developers & Publishers

To analyze the competition, market sentiment and your own audiences

Customized Data

To make smarter business decisions by analyzing community trends